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Adventures Of 
Bentley and Maya

Official website of self published Author

Sue Swain


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The Pups Go To Lynton and Lynmouth

Recommended Read: Age: 5-10

Adventures Of Bentley and Maya

How can these gorgeous Golden retriever pups get any more cute. Bentley is very lovable, quite shy, not pushy at all. He loves his sister and is always trying to keep her out of trouble. Maya is very loving, has adorable attitude and loves nothing more than a big cuddle or a tummy rub.


She really loves her brother and will always snuggle down next to him. She teases him all the time and is nearly always thinking of her tummy.


Together they love nothing more than getting into mischief but always manage to somehow wriggle out of trouble by either giving a little wag of their fluffy tails or Bentley's favourite “In trouble stopper” a little crooked smile, this usually does the trick.


Bentley and Maya live with Sue Swain the author and her husband Simon in the beautiful countryside of West Sussex in England... Sue has managed to capture the enchanting real-life first adventures of the pups when they took them to stay in a hotel in Lynmouth.


They were just 16 weeks old at the time of this fun-filled trip. Join the pups on their very first adventure, its sure to delight everyone who reads it.

Beware Cuteness Overload !!

Bentley and Maya The Pups Get New Coats

Heavy snow was falling one wintery morning and the pups were fast asleep in their beds. They had no idea that they were off to buy new coats. Maya wanted hers in a pretty pink and Bentley his in tan. Find out what colours they bought in the end.

The Pups Get New Coats

Recommended Read: Age 1-4

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Bentley and Maya Meet A Bumblebee

Bentley and Maya were outside playing in their garden one beautiful Spring morning. They had no idea that they're about to meet a little creature that would become their friend for life. Join the pups in this enchanting rhyming story. Your little ones are sure to be enthralled. Beware though! More cuteness overload!

Bentley and Maya Meet A Bumblebee

       Recommended Read: 1-4


The Pups 1st Birthday

At 10 weeks old, Bentley and Maya were ready to leave Crumble their mum and their remaining siblings . As they travelled to Sussex to live with the Swain family, they began to wonder what their new home would be like. Find out if it is all that they dreamed of and join the Pups as they celebrate their very first birthday. 

A perfect book for tiny grownups!

The Pups 1st Birthday

Recommended read: 1-4



I remember thinking that my heart would melt with love the first time I saw these gorgeous Golden retriever pups. They were tumbling around on the fresh-cut grass under the apple tree that shaded them from the mid-day sun.  


Choosing just one from the 8 little bundles of fluffy fun was going to be very hard to do, so we didn’t choose one, we chose two. Brother and sister from the same litter. One little boy with a white spot on his head, huge paws and beautiful brown eyes and the little girl with the sweetest little face and a very cute, black, button nose.


Bentley and Maya became part of the Swain family on the 15th of August 2014 and continue to bring so much love to the family every day. Join them on their first of many adventures to the beautiful villages of Lynton and Lynmouth.


You are sure to be swept away with their adventurous antics but beware also as it comes with a huge dollop of cuteness. 



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Author Sue Swain with the pups Bentley and Maya,

A Note from Sue the Author

re:- the Illustrations

Sue Swain, decided to write The Adventure’s of Bentley and Maya when she realised very early on that their two Golden retriever puppies were loved not only by them but everyone they came into contact with. 

They were “cuddle” magnets for the young, the old and everyone in-between. Bentley and Maya live with Sue and her husband Simon in the beautiful countryside of West Sussex in England. 

Sue has managed to capture in a series the enchanting real-life adventures of the pups whilst travelling with them around not only the UK but in Europe too.


Sue is sure you will enjoy this adventure and want to follow them on their next one to France.

When I decided to write the Adventures of Bentley and Maya and had completed the first book. The Pups Go To Lynton and Lynmouth. I had the difficult task of finding an illustrator who would not only understand the vision I had for the books but work closely with me to enable them to come to life. Many illustrators who wanted to take on the work wanted to turn the pups into cartoon characters and I already knew that this was not what I wanted. After searching for a long time, I came across an illustrator called Suresh Maru from Artworqz and immediately I knew we would work well together. We discussed at length what I was looking for and he has been illustrating subsequent books for me since. He understood completely what I wanted to achieve and together we have produced enchanting, beautifully illustrated books that are sure to enrich the minds of the young.

Illustrations by Suresh Maru

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Artqorqz Bunny with jacket.jpg
Artworkz image walking upstairs old lady.jpg
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Jack and Jill image_edited.jpg

A Note From Suresh

Hi everyone, my name is Suresh and I live in London. I am a Graphic Designer and Illustrator with over 25 years of experience. I illustrate and design children’s storybooks, logo design, create original NFT art and social media advertisements. It's my passion and I want to make others happy with my work. Please feel free to contact me and we can discuss your project before you place your order. Thank you in advance! :)



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