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How Reading Improves Imagination

Parents often use mobile phones to distract their children when throwing a tantrum or getting bored in today's day and age. But until just a decade ago, we see how great of an emphasis parents and society used to put on the children to read.

It was not just so they could learn the language and educate themselves. Reading also helps children develop an active imagination that builds creativity in their personalities. A great example of such books is Bentley and Maya. Two adorable sibling pups set upon adventures.

Here are a few explanations on how reading books as a hobby can assist your child in improving their imagination.

Creates Association

When your children start to read stories, they develop the characters in their minds and start associating with them. Children can get so engrossed in the story that it might come to life for them. They would picture how the particular character would do something and act the same way or copy their catchphrases in their daily routine.

The real connection with such characters helps the child build their imagination as they imitate the characters' actions, dialogues, and thought processes.

Helps In Visualisation

Very often, children's books come with visual imagery. Although these graphics are used to grasp the child's attention, it helps them in more ways.

For example, if children read about the character doing something on a farm with a cow and then see a picture of a boy standing in a wheat field along with a cow, the imagery will leave an impression in their minds. Even if your child has never been to a farm, they still would have an idea of what it looks like.

Facilitate In Exploration

A storybook transports a child into a completely different world. Sometimes, a world that is vastly different from ours.

They visualise and explore abstract concepts that would never come true in this world. For example, children read about the relationship difficulties that an animal in the book is experiencing.

Although it would never happen in the real world, it takes them into uncharted territories of imagination where there is only creativity. The child can only understand the concept if they expand their imagination.

Why Parents Should Buy Their Children The Bentley And Maya Books?

We all remember the stories from our childhood and the fascinating characters who kept us captivated. But most of all, how those stories made us feel. Bentley and Maya bring the same energy.

It focuses on the creative tales of two real-life pups who embark upon adventures, get into trouble and smartly get out of it. Imagining these pups' adventures can take your child to a world that exists only between the pages of these books.

Find out more about Sue Swain’s adorable books now!

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